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In early 2023 I embarked on a solo painting trip to Edinburgh and the Scottish Highlands, seeking some new inspiration from the breathtaking scenery of this enchanting place. Little did I know that this journey would result in my latest collection of landscape art, lovingly titled "Highlands & Heather." 

Click on the images below to see the full highland landscape paintings

Highland Skies


Highland Skies

Acrylics on canvas

Heart of the Highlands


Heart of the Highlands

Acrylics on canvas

Glencoe Waterfall II


Glencoe Waterfall II

Acrylics on canvas

Wild Blooms


Wild Blooms

Acrylics on paper

Three Sisters of Glencoe


Three Sisters of Glencoe

Acrylics on canvas

Glencoe Waterfall I


Glencoe Waterfall I

Acrylics on canvas

Chasing The Light


Chasing The Light

Acrylics on canvas

Once Upon A Thistle


Once Upon A Thistle

Acrylics on canvas

The Path Skywards - Buchaille Etive Mor


The Path Skywards - Buchaille Etive Mor

Acrylics on canvas

Bass and May


Bass and May

Acrylics on canvas

July Effect


July Effect

Acrylics on paper

Ben Nevis


Ben Nevis

Acrylics on canvas

Capturing Scotland's Beauty Through  Landscape Painting

Exploring the Scottish Landscape

As an artist, I find immense inspiration in the natural world. Scotland's landscape is diverse, moody, but it’s also complex. The history of the Western Isles in particular is complex and at many points, difficult and dark.

I was drawn to these stories, as well as to dramatic peaks of the Highlands and the charm of the heather-clad mors.

The Majesty of Edinburgh

My painting journey began in the historic city of Edinburgh, where centuries-old buildings and narrow cobblestone streets tell stories of the past. I wandered the Old Town, traversed the steep slopes of the extinct volcano that the majestic Edinburgh castle now sits atop. The volcano may have been extinct but the city’s history was very much alive, worn like pride across its sleeve.

Highland Adventures

Leaving the city behind, I set out to explore the untamed beauty of the Scottish Highlands in the way only a modern traveller can, with a coach full of tourists! (We can’t have it all) These ancient landscapes, shrouded in mist and mystery, have a unique charm that I found impossible to resist.

My collection features a series of acrylic paintings, each capturing a different facet of the Highlands' character, from the legendary shores of Loch Ness to the wild face of the mòrs of Glencoe.

The Magic of Scottish Artistry

Scotland is a land steeped in artistic traditions, from its legendary poets and writers to its talented musicians and painters. My "Highlands & Heather" collection of landscape paintings pays tribute to this rich heritage. Each piece is a little memory, a story of the place that has captured the imagination of centuries of artists alike. I hope it resonates with art enthusiasts and collectors in this modern age, too.

Every painting in my "Highlands & Heather" collection is a unique, handmade piece of art. If you're looking to buy art that tells a story and transports you to the heart of Scotland, my collection offers precisely that. If you're looking to add a touch of Scottish elegance to your home or office, consider investing in one of my pieces. With "Highlands & Heather" on your wall, you'll always have a piece of Scotland with you.

My solo painting trip to Scotland was a transformative experience that allowed me to connect with the soul of this remarkable land. "Highlands & Heather" is my way of sharing those experiences with you.

Heather & Highlands Scottish Landscape Collection

Scotland was the destination for my first solo painting holiday, and the first time I had travelled with the specific intention of painting throughout. I had a week to discover the wonders of this much-romanticised country, from it's crumbling castles to its epic lochs, rich history and of course, the majestic city of Edinburgh.

I'd heard from friends, colleagues and acquaintances how beautiful Edinburgh was, and was told I'd love it. They were right.

Over the short week I took my sketchbook and paints everywhere, from the Princes Gardens beneath one of the main thoroughfares, to the Royal Botanical Gardens, the zoo and any green space and cafe I could find. I felt at home here: it felt so much like England yet somehow, much older. I loved simply wandering around as the locals did, or contemplating the city with views of the castle tucked between blooming cherry blossom trees. 


I missed green in Malta, but Scotland has this in droves. It may not have been spectacularly green as it was only early May, and summer comes late this far north. But the moody skies and the slightest hint of highland snow suited me just fine.

I painted several scenes of the iconic Glencoe, one of the highland's most famous and scenic areas, some whilst on location, and many many landscapes were created back in the studio.

I wanted this collection of paintings to explore changing weathers, changing terrain and the diversity of the different hills and peaks. Every mountain is unique, and the collection includes Ben Nevis and Buchaille etive Mor, amongst others.

The paintings are all painted using acrylics on canvas boards or artists' quality paper, using a limited palette to create a wide range of hues, from the semi-expressionist to more muted colours.

Earth tones are present through most of the paintings, but I was also drawn to the beautiful indigo and lilacs of the heather that grows wild across this landscape.​

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